gif to ps (or pdf) - any ideas?

Hideyuki KURASHINA rushani at
Mon Jan 12 12:31:30 UTC 2004


>>> On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 23:59:51 +0000, Josef Karthauser <joe at> said:

> I've got a number of gifs, which are A4 pages scanned in high
> resolution.  What I'd like to do is to compile them together as a PDF.
> Naively I initially tried using:
>     for i in page*; do gif2ps $i >>; done; ps2pdf
> and it works to a fashion, but gif2ps doesn't appear to produce colour
> postscript, and also it leaves a huge margin around the page which I'd
> like to reduce.  The other thing I'd like to do is to add a text message
> to the bottom of each page describing where the original came from.
> Does anyone know of anything more sophisticated than gif2ps for the job?


  giftopnm foo.gif | pnmcrop | pnmtops -noturn >>

instead of gif2ps.

-- rushani

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