Missing Dokumentation: Installing SAP R/3 JavaGUI Client

Wolfgang Kess kess at ze.tum.de
Thu Jan 8 10:12:07 UTC 2004

Hello Marc,

Marc Fonvieille wrote:
>>there is no howto "Installing a SAP R/3 JavaGUI Client".
>>I made a short howto and it would be nice to add as 22.7.14.x

> It's a good idea.  Let's look at some part of the text below:

> Is it possible to change this part for something like:
> Look for the following lines in the
> /usr/local/bin/sapgui/6.30rev2/bin/guistart file:
> # SuSE 7.3 installs its 1.3 VM here 
> PLATIN_JAVA="/usr/lib/jre1.3/jre/bin/java" 
> then add this:
> # FreeBSD 4.8
> elif /usr/compat/linux/usr/bin/test -x "/usr/local/linux-blackdown-jdk1.3.1/jre/bin/java" ; then 
> PLATIN_JAVA="/usr/local/linux-blackdown-jdk1.3.1/jre/bin/java" 
> Tell me what do you think about it?  (I do have the revelant file under
> hand, so I dunno if it could work...)

Yes, please change it.
I attach the guistart file.

> Another question does it runs under FreeBSD 4.9 and 5.2-RC as well?
Yes it does, at University I run a 4.9. The 5.2-RC is not tested yet.

There is an new JavaGui version 6.30r4 available. It was released 

I just made a new 5.2-RC Installation at home. So I'll test the new gui
version and I'll be glad to give you information.

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