Validating docbook articles...

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Sun Feb 22 18:11:10 UTC 2004

Le Lun 16 fév 04 à 22:29:46 +0100, Chuck Swiger <chuck at>
 écrivait :
> ...tidy-devel doesn't understand the -preserve option.  Something like the 
> following, as www/tidy-devel/files/patch-console-tidy.c:

Some days ago, we were speaking of this option (with Alex Dupre). It
seems useful for documents encoded with charsets unsupported by Tidy.

There exist two possibilities:

- we encode all documents in supported charsets (e.g. UTF8), and this
option is not necessary (we can apply your patch to keep a compatibility
with old scripts);

- we have documents written in such encodings, and tidy-devel should be
patched to actually preserve entities, or we have to keep the original

[Please Cc: me, because I'm not part of the doc project]
Th. Thomas.

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