Projects List (was Re: Doc BoF at EuroBSDCon)

Carsten Zimmermann cz at
Tue Dec 7 00:56:14 UTC 2004

Am Tue Dec 07, 2004 at 01:2759AM +0100 schrieb Ruben Kerkhof:
> [snip] maybe someone else is willing to whip up something 
>  more modern by modifying the stylesheet.

I would definately agree on this - I bet there's some guys  at 
-advocacy who would embrace a more modern website. To my mind, a
modern website would be the key to attract folks/companies in the way
as FreeBSD being a "serious" operating system, not just a leisure time 
project (which it mostly is, though ;) - but this doesn't 
necessarily mean that the output is bad, which it obviously isn't ...)


Carsten Zimmermann
mailto:cz at
Tel.: +49-(0)40-98760543

Aegis:Net IT-Dienstleistungen
Postfach 620371
22403 Hamburg
Info: +49-(0)700-AEGISNET
Fax: +49-(0)40-98760547

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