Man Pages Thoughts

Anthony Duerr duerra at
Thu Aug 19 12:23:38 UTC 2004

My thoughts are concerning the man pages.  I don't know if this is the 
perfect group to mail this to, but it seems to be as close as I could get.

Anyway, a thought occured to me this morning when reading through some 
documentation.  It would be great to see an "Examples" section in the 
man pages.  Often times the prototypes are difficult to read or 
understand because of their length, option depth, etc.  An "Examples" 
area in the man pages would allow the man creator to put in a couple of 
the more commonly used prototypes examples in to get a user started on 
the right track.

Granted, this would mostly be beneficial to newer users like me, but it 
would save quite a bit of frustration when trying to process the vast 
array of different commands in my mind.

I'm interested in your thoughts!

Thanks =)

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