user-opinion poll?! [was: Would this be useful?]

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at
Wed Apr 21 16:21:55 UTC 2004

# corwin at / 2004-04-21 13:03:04 +0200:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 11:13:43AM +0200 or thereabouts, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> > > This is the point where their route to FreeBSD ends.
> > 
> >     I don't have to imagine being a Windows user as I *was* one,
> >     and I wanted to try FreeBSD (4.0 at that time). All I got was that
> >     handbook. Unix just looked all greek to me.
> > 
> >     That was the point where my route to FreeBSD began.

> >     Or did you mean a *dumb* Windows user?
> There is nothing like "dumb windows user".. they have their Windows and
> they are happy, cause Windows and its bunch of software is everything
> they need to be satisfied.

    Are all windows users smart? That doesn't look very likely from the
    statistics point of view. Note that I didn't assert *all* windows
    users were dumb. There are smart people, there are dumb people, and
    both groups use computers, both groups use Windows. I'm not going to
    pretend it is not so.

    I remember a post on questions@ in which someone reported this
    problem: he tried to install FreeBSD several times, but all attempts
    failed; the thing rebooted the computer, and left him with a screen
    of crap ending with "Login:", which he couldn't get past because it
    insisted he must give it some password (he had no idea what

    Now, I of course don't know/remember whether the person was a
    Windows user, for what it's worth he could be completely new to
    computers. It doesn't matter. The post suggested the person wasn't
    particularly inteligent. I don't want the project to cater for such

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