how to subscript freebsd document project

cheerawat suriyawongpaisarn cheerawathana at
Thu Oct 2 02:34:53 UTC 2003

Dear Sir 
My name is Tawaee Moonton. I am Thai . I am
interesting in FreeBSD project. I try to use it for 3
years but it very difficult to use because no document
in Thai language. I am not good at English but I can
do it with myself try and more try. Now I can use
FreeBSD for my company with more powerful of it. Why
do I writing this letter? The reason is I want to
translate “The FreeBSD handbook” from English to Thai.
When I was newbie in FreeBSD it very hard to
understand if I have thai document it will be use more
less time to do, to understand it. And my goal is
making a document for Thai FreeBSD newbie. I think it
will be easier than me at the fist time that I trying
to use it
I wish that I would get a welcome from The FreeBSD
document project. Now I am free.  I resign from my
work. I will have more time to do this project
Best regard
Tawee Moonton

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