FreeBSD for Linux users

Jim Brown jpb at
Sat Nov 29 04:00:21 UTC 2003

* Ed Hurst <softedges at> [2003-11-26 19:58]:
> New member here, and nearly clueless. However, I have much experience
> in writing and education.
> How do I submit my own work? I am a mere desktop user, recently

See below.

> migrated from SuSE to FreeBSD. I some articles about that experience;
> they were posted at I have zero experience with networking
> beyond Internet connectivity, and that via dialup alone.
> I can't write what I haven't experienced, but what I have is written up
> in tutorials that assume very little prior knowledge. First, I put
> together some very basic info for those making the transition from
> proprietary systems to Open Source. I call them the "Clueless User's
> Guide" series.
> Building on those, I have so far 5 tutorials on installing and setting
> up FreeBSD for the desktop/dialup user. They were posted on a couple of
> forums for fact checking, and I believe they are about ready. They will
> be published eventually at as "FreeBSD on the Desktop".
> I have them in plain text form backed up on my drive, and in HTML on my
> website (referenced in my sig). Is there a particular process for this
> submission? I'd rather they be posted in a more accessible place than
> my little hobby website.

Submitting your work to the FreeBSD Documentation Project is easy to do.
You should read the "FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer 
for New Contributors" available at:
to get up to speed on the FreeBSD Documentation Project toolset. 
The primer includes examples on marking up your basic text into SGML.

Once you have the basics of SGML down, mark up some of your 
shorter tutorials and submit them to the doc mailing list for
review.  The Documentation Project is composed of many volunteers
who will take the time to review and comment on your work, 
both on-list and off-list.  

A lot of experience can be gained by simply reading the mailing list.

> Ed Hurst
> -----------
> An Applied Bible Site
> ---
> [This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

Best Regards,

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