make in /usr/doc

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Mon Nov 17 21:11:34 UTC 2003

Marc Fonvieille <blackend at> wrote
  in <20031117204533.B4311 at>:

blackend> On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 07:25:54PM +0000, Ceri Davies wrote:
blackend> > 
blackend> > Isn't that just a sneaky way of not exercising the A4 code, though? ;-)
blackend> > (i.e., we still don't get A4 output, or am I misunderstanding what
blackend> > -sPAPERSIZE=letter does?).
blackend> >
blackend> ps2epsi is only used for images, however we should report the bug to
blackend> GS (I know could do it since I found that issue, but I was lazy :))).

 I think that is not a bug in a sense.  We use groff (grops) to convert
 .pic to .ps, but its default paper size is US letter, I guess.
 So ps2epsi needs to accept US letter size by default; otherwise, an error
 can occur.

 Another workaround is adding "-P -p -P a4" to groff's flag as the
 following patch does.  With the flags the build should work fine
 without regardless to A4=yes.  I am not sure if this always works, but
 could you try this?  If it works properly, I will commit it.

| Hiroki SATO

RCS file: /home/ncvs/doc/share/mk/,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -d -u -I\$FreeBSD:.*\$ -I\$NetBSD:.*\$ -I\$OpenBSD:.*\$ -I\$Id:.*\$ -I\$hrs:.*\$ -r1.23
---	1 Aug 2003 20:28:55 -0000	1.23
+++	17 Nov 2003 20:27:46 -0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 EPSTOPDF?=	${PREFIX}/bin/epstopdf
 PS2EPS?=	${PREFIX}/bin/ps2epsi
-PIC2PS?=	${GROFF} -p -S -Wall -mtty-char -man 
+PIC2PS?=	${GROFF} -P -p -P a4 -p -S -Wall -mtty-char -man 
 REALPATH?=	/bin/realpath
 # Use suffix rules to convert .scr files to other formats

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