Greetings, and book.pdf.bz2 issues

Jon Allen jonallen at
Fri Nov 14 01:38:36 UTC 2003

Hi There,

I recently installed FreeBSD for the first time and I'm coming up to speed.  I hope to contribute some work to the FDP.  Should I first start looking at open doc problem reports?  Any guidance on areas where I can help would be appreciated.

Also, I downloaded the handbook today from in the book.pdf.bz2 format.  Unfortunately, this pdf file:

1. Ends at page 607, in the middle of Chapter 22
2. Has a broken table of contents b/c of problem 1
3. Has several instances of missing terms, such as

Page i  - "[...] installing [Oracle] and [SAP R/3]."
Page ii - "[...] or another flavor of [UNIX] then [...]"

The terms in brackets above are missing in the PDF output but present in the html output.

This may be a duplicate of what was reported in the message

Is there anything I can do to help resolve this problem?  Perhaps a pr?


Jon Allen
jonallen at

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