man to html conversion question

Jim Mock mij at
Wed May 14 04:17:24 UTC 2003

On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 06:03  PM, John wrote:
> Hello,
>    I have what I hope is a simple question, but I have been unable
> to determine the cause/answer.
>    I have a man page I have been working on that displays correctly
> as a manpage, but incorrectly when converted to html.
>    The manpage:
>    The manpage converted to html via:  groff -man -Thtml
>    The problem is relatively obvious. After the SYNOPSIS
> section, the rest of the sections are not formatted correctly.
>    If someone could enlighten me as to the error of my ways, I
> would appreciate it :-)

I know it's not really what you're looking for, but you could try the 
man2html port.  It's in textproc/man2html.

- jim

- jim mock  mij@{soupnazi|opendarwin}.org  jim@{bsdnews|FreeBSD}.org -
- editor in chief, BSD News: -

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