screen problems

Josef El-Rayes j.el-rayes at
Mon Dec 1 19:33:36 UTC 2003

mawa <mawa at> wrote:
> How to set up my screen on Compaque 1245 for best dislpay resolution?

hi mawa!

nice to see you using freebsd. to getting best support
you should use the correct mailinglist for your questions/problems,
as we have a certain mailinglist for each topic,
where people, who are interested in this certain
topic, there you will find better help.

this is the list for discussions/questions about
freebsd documentation issues.

i think you are more interested in this mailinglists:
generic questions: freebsd-questions at
x11 issues: freebsd-x11 at

for a detailed list about mailinglists available at, and 3rd party mailinglists, have
a look at

greets, josef

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