Porter's Handbook Mistake?

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Sat Aug 23 15:28:26 UTC 2003

On 2003.08.23 15:08:24 +0100, Mario Freitas wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 11:10, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> > I don't think so.. From pkg_delete(1):
> > 
> > ...
> >      distribution.  The deinstall script is called as:
> >            script <pkg-name> DEINSTALL
> >      where pkg-name is the name of the package in question and DEINSTALL is a
> >      keyword denoting this as the pre-deinstallation phase.
> > ...
> >      The post-deinstall script is called as:
> >            script <pkg-name> POST-DEINSTALL
> >      where pkg-name is the name of the package in question and POST-DEINSTALL
> >      is a keyword denoting this as the post-deinstallation phase.
> > 
> > and a quick check of the pkg_delete source code seems to confirm this.
> Yes you're right, wouldn't be better , "pkg-deinstall" (PRE-DEINSTALL
> and POST-DEINSTALL) just for a better standardization? Or is there any
> better reason, behind all this, not
> to do "pkg-deinstall"(including both "targets") the default script
> filename?

I'm not sure it it is actually run before the deinstall.  In any case
it's not really possible to change it, since there are a lot of packages
out there that expect DEINSTALL, so changeing it in pkg_delete would
break them.

Anyway, this is more a topic for -ports, -hackers or similar.

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team
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