docs/55526: Update the branches pic and ascii art for the releng article

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Fri Aug 15 17:55:24 UTC 2003

If memory serves me right, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> bmah at (Bruce A. Mah) writes:
> > Good point.  This is a problem especially near the right side of the 
> > figure, where we have parallel HEAD and RELENG branches.  I'll see if I 
> > can connect these up in a non-confusing, non-ugly way.
> It looks real good the way it is.  Maybe put tails on the top of
> the long vertical lines to match the corresponding heads.

I'm not sure how to do that on OpenOffice.  :-)  I'm experimenting with
something that has lines that connect (for example) the bottom of the
HEAD on one column to the top of the HEAD on the next column.  I believe
this passes the "non-confusing" test, but I'm not so sure about

> Some people might scratch their head about why many releases are in a
> long line of boxes (eg, 4.0 - 4.2), while others are in a short
> offshoot.  The "key" box could be made taller to explain it.  ("Recent
> releases are on short 'release' branches which are limited mostly to
> security patches."  Something like that.)

That's a good idea, thanks.  When I get back to this thing I'll add 


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