Please check some File Downloading Error

Byong-Soo Jeong knightjbs at
Thu Aug 14 01:05:41 UTC 2008

Dear Webmaster.

I was searching some IP and in OPENCORES.ORG, I've found it.
In that directory, the source code described in verilog can be download, but
the ppt file that explain how to operating the file and how to behave that
module was error.
So, please check the file.

On the site - CODE(CVS) - rs_5_3_gf256/doc/ - Reed Solomon (5,3) Coder.ppt

I'll wait a good news from you.
Thank you.

Patrick Jeong
E-mail : knightjbs at
Mobile : +82-11-9303-6953
Office : +82-52-288-7550
Fax: +82-52-288-7551

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