cvsweb version 3:3.0.1-1 diff problems (and howto debug this)

VilleSkyttä scop at
Wed Jun 2 12:37:08 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-06-02 at 20:10, Koos Vriezen wrote:

> The various projects show fine, also the history of a file works. What
> doesn't work are the links from a file history page (and this did work
> in the previous version). Eg. the links 'text'/'markeup' return the same
> history file. The 'preferred' link (for diff) shows a page with:
>   Error: module/file.diff: no such file or directory
> for file 'file' in module 'module'.

Some shooting-in-the-dark questions:
What do the URLs in the server's access log look like for each of these
(text/markup/preferred) when you hit the links?  Do the "download",
"annotated" and "colored" links work as expected?  Which web server and
browser do you use?  Does it happen with all files in CVS, or just some
of them?  Anything in the server error log?

> Any quick hints for fixing would be nice.

I'm unable to reproduce any of the above, so no instant help available

>  But what is the best way to debug these configuration errors?

I don't know if they're configuration errors or plain bugs, and dunno
about the best way to debug either, but one lowly approach is to insert
some warn() statements in the code and watch the web server error log.

Depending on where you're inserting the warn()'s, you may also have to
temporarily comment out some "open(STDERR, '>', devnull())"s in the code
to actually see the warnings.

>  Eg. is there a list of env vars I should export
> so I can run this script on the commandline, an example of a QUERY_STRING
> etc?

ISTR Debian applies some patches to make it possible to run the script
on the command line, but AFAIK they have never been sent upstream (ie.
here), and I have not tried them out.

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