error pulling from the Beta git repo

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at
Sat Sep 26 00:19:33 UTC 2020

Patrick McMunn wrote in
 <CAKS+cu05Qvoh0pPr7QzJnsY_HUWHMww3cobvZnmgi+VtKDvieA at>:
 |I'm using the beta git repo at , and I have been compiling source in that
 |directory. Today, when I ran "git pull", it errored out instead of updating
 |fully. I don't know if the error was a result of me building in the
 |directory, but it seems like a reasonable possibility. It was never an
 |issue with SVN, but should I build the source in a separate directory to
 |avoid problems with git? I don't know if git keeps a log that I can check
 |for the full output. If it does, I'd check if I knew the location. As it
 |is, I only have the partial output still present in my terminal window.

  $ git clean -fxd [--dry-run]
  $ [git reset --hard HEAD]
  $ [git fetch -vv]
  $ [git gc [--aggressive --prune=all]]
  $ git checkout -B local-branch-name origin/branch-name
  [Or git update-ref local-branch-name refs/remotes/origin/branch-name]

Alternatively just use a bare repository as a database and several
different checked-out working directories somewhere else.

Btw. the Linux distro i use has a git driver for its ports system,
it goes like that:

  cd "$REPOSITORY" 2> "/dev/null"

  if [ $? -lt 1 ]; then
          git checkout -q "$BRANCH"
          git fetch -q
          git diff --pretty=format: --name-status "$BRANCH" origin/"$BRANCH" | sed "s/M\t/ Edit /g; s/A\t/ Checkout /g; s/D\t/ Delete /g" | sort
          git clean -q -f
          git reset -q --hard origin/"$BRANCH"
          git clone -q -b "$BRANCH" "$URL" "$REPOSITORY"
          ls -1 $REPOSITORY | sed "s/^/ Checkout /"
  git gc --quiet $gc --prune=all

That gc stuff is a local addition of mine, i hate stale stuff.

Good night.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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