When will the FreeBSD (u)EFI work?

Rebecca Cran rebecca at bsdio.com
Mon Mar 30 02:20:43 UTC 2020

On 3/29/20 8:09 PM, Kyle Evans wrote:

> I'd be in favor of installing to \EFI\BOOT\... as well if and only if
> the file doesn't already exist, assuming we can figure out how to make
> it not a maintenance nightmare -- which I suspect would just mean that
> we have some tool that users use to update the ESP rather than
> instructing them to examine/replace files manually.

Or if, as you say, we can determine that it's _our_ bootx64.efi! That's 
pretty simple, since we have strings such as "FreeBSD/amd64 EFI loader, 
Revision 1.1" in the binary.

We'll also want to embed a better version string to determine that it's 
our bootx64.efi _and_ for a version of FreeBSD that we're wanting to update.

Rebecca Cran

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