buildkernel failure because ctfconvert not installed

Gary Jennejohn gljennjohn at
Wed Apr 8 06:32:14 UTC 2020

Has anyone else seen this error?

I tried to build a kernel yesterday, but the build failed while compiling
modules because ctfconvert was not found.

I've had WITH_CTF=no in my src.conf for years, so neither ctfconvert nor
ctfmerge were installed.

OK, I'll just go to the source dirctories and build and install.

Nope.  I got this error:
	make: exec(ctfconvert) failed (No such file or directory)
and the build failed.

WTF?  ctfconvert requires ctfconvert to build?  That makes no sense and is
a real chicken-and-egg problem if I've ever seen one.

I ended up creating /usr/bin/ctf{convert,merge} shell scripts which simply
did exit 0.  That allowed me to finally compile and install the utilities.

Now I'm forced to have WITH_CTF=yes in my src.conf.  No big deal.

Still, it seems like the change to the make infrastructure which assumed
that cft{convert,merge} are always installed was rather premature.

Gary Jennejohn

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