Implementing my Quantum data parallization library as a FreeBSD module

bill profane billprofane at
Thu Sep 13 18:08:17 UTC 2018

Sorry if this message sounds a little off, I'm on meds

But I have a C library that could be of use for bleeding edge BSD

The code is hosted at github at

Basically, it implements huge multidimension arrays using pointers and
structures, and features a way to move data in and out of the "neuron".
Each neuron consists of a data structure that has a pointer to char
description and features a broken multidimensional binary tree

It's memory intensive for now since there is no code to write data to disk
(I'm a little rusty on my C), and broken since I cant figure out #ifdef

But it could be of use for the FreeBSD kernel, it follows the BSD license

For convenience:

git clone .

Sorry again for the crappy and incomplete code, been dealing with medical

If this is considered spam, please tell me and I will desist in future
posts such as this.

Thank you

Bill "unidef" Profane

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