issues with usb mouse detection on 12.0-ALPHA3

Pete Wright pete at
Sat Aug 25 18:08:26 UTC 2018

howdy - just upgraded one of my machines to 12.0-ALPHA3 and noticed that 
my usb mouse is not being detected.  i made sure to do a proper 
mergemaster after building my kernel and world, and verified that 
updates to devd configs were picked up as per UPDATING.

i am seeing the following in my dmesg console:
ugen0.2: <PixArt Lenovo USB Optical Mouse> at usbus0 (disconnected)
ugen0.2: <PixArt Lenovo USB Optical Mouse> at usbus0

this seems to happen every 60secs or so.  starting moused also reports 
the following:
$ sudo service moused start
Starting default mousedmoused: unable to open /dev/psm0: No such file or 

not really sure what the best way to debug this is as i'm a bit 
uncertain about devd and devmatch's recent changes, so let me know if 
more info is needed or if i'm just missing something obvious.



Pete Wright
pete at

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