Is ipfilter firewall with ippool working?

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at
Wed Apr 5 14:47:16 UTC 2017

I have been a ipfilter user since Freebsd 3.0 without any complaints. 
Now I'm trying to get ippool to function. I have been able to add a 
pool, but now I want to refresh it's contents. From what I read in "man 
8 ippool", I have to remove the pool from core and then re-add it with 
the complete new content. When I issue this command to remove the named 
ippool from core, I get message saying "Segmentation fault (core 
dumped)" and the system continues as normal.

    ippool -R -m unsolicited

I know that in 2016 ipfilter was forked and updated to be freebsd 
friendly. Thinking maybe something in the kernel code was changed that 
now is causing this problem. I'm running release 11.0.

Is there anyone out there who has ipfilter/ippool working?

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