FreeBSD 11 - BETA-1 Xen DOMU loses network when jail (VIMAGE) starts

Miguel C miguelmclara at
Sat Jul 23 19:17:16 UTC 2016

I had a freebsd 10 DOMU running with VIMAGE support but since there were
some fixes in 11 I decided to give it a go...

I made a clean install  and just migrated some backup config and adapted as
needed (I only have one jail running on this box for plex and all media is
in zfs)
After the clean install I ofc rebuilded the kernel with VIMAGE support and
that's the only change from GENERIC

I noticed the vif interface was disappearing on the Dom0 a bit after this
machine boot and I was able to track the issue... if I don't start the jail
at boot I have network, so then I tried to do it manually (jail -c plex in
this case) and although I still see "xn0" in the Dom0 (netbsd) the vif
interface is now gone.

Since I use vnet for the jail and the "jib" script provided in
src/share/examples/jails I suspect its when the bridging occurred that
network fails.

All the scrip does is create a bridge and add both xn0 and the newly
created epair.


Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*

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