libXO-ification - Why - and is it a symptom of deeper issues?

David Chisnall theraven at
Sun Nov 15 19:26:05 UTC 2015

On 15 Nov 2015, at 19:12, Simon J. Gerraty <sjg at> wrote:
> Garrett Cooper <yaneurabeya at> wrote:
>> We lack a [dtd/json] spec for tools, so programming for xo'ification
>> doesn't seems like the best idea in the world to me from a end-user
>> sysadmin/developer perspective.
> A dtd etc is good for sure, and we (Juniper) do have them, as well as
> ui-police to help ensure things go smoothly - even that doesn't catch
> everything.

At the GSoC Mentor Summit, someone from GitHub pointed me at a tool[1] for generating schemas from JSON (which can then be refined manually) and can be used for validating that the schema is still respected in newer versions.  I hope to integrate something like this into our regression test suite before 11.

For the people complaining that there are no command-line tools for filtering JSON in shell scripts, I’d suggest that they look at JQ[2].  I’m not sure if it’s worth bringing it into base, but being able to install it easily (textproc/jq, no dependencies) from ports suddenly makes a load of stuff trivial with shell scripts that were either incredibly hard or impossible prior to libxo.



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