Lenovo BIOS boot fix

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Tue Jul 14 02:09:53 UTC 2015

On Mon, 13 Jul 2015, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> But the problem here is that we're using GPT but /not/ UEFI, right?
> That's why that's all a mess?

If you have a GPT layout, but it boots on a BIOS machine, the missing 
active flag on a standards-correct PMBR partition usually does not keep 
it from booting.  Usually.

The Lenovo thing is just a bug, firmware that sees GPT and automatically 
assumes that a GPT disk has all the UEFI features (extra partitions and 
security and cryptography and all that).

That is wrong.  Lenovo can fix it, and there should be villagers with 
pitchforks at their gates politely requesting that they fix it for these 
still-broken models like they have for other models.

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