using single gcc compiler

M&S - Krasznai András Krasznai.Andras at
Mon Jun 2 12:07:11 UTC 2014


I use freebsd-10 as desktop .

Compiling the system takes ages, and rather long time is spent in compiling different gcc compiler versions for various ports,
- gcc-4.7.3- required by avidemux;
- gcc-4.6.4_1,1: required by opera,operaplugins, gcc, gcc4.8
- gcc 4.8.4_xxx: required by rawtherapee

Is there a way to specify that I want to use gcc 4.8.4 for all compilations which do not use clang?


Krasznai András
M&S Informatikai Zrt.
1136 Budapest, Pannónia u. 17/A.
Telefon: +36   1 703-2923
Mobil:    +36 30 703-2923

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