Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

Darren Reed darrenr at freebsd.org
Thu Jul 31 12:20:42 UTC 2014

On 30/07/2014 2:54 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> ...
> I would hope that is not the case. While NAT66 is "well known" and has been
> a topic of discussion for years, NPT66 is relatively new. It does share
> many concepts with NAT66 (and, most likely implementations also share
> code), but does not require any state, making it vastly less complex and no
> longer breaks point to point networking. The names look similar, which may
> result in unfortunate confusion, but NPT66 may be the bast solution to a
> real problem and it does not create the issues of NAT66.

NPT66 is a subset of NAT66.


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