zfs send/recv: STILL invalid Backup Stream

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+freebsd at ijs.si
Fri Jul 25 16:04:04 UTC 2014

2014-07-25 15:41, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 11:58:48AM +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
>> Don't know, I'd guess some network-related memory limit is being hit
>> on the sending site.
>> Why not try to decouple the 'zfs send' from a network copy and ssh:
>> Login to a remote side, do a 'zfs send' to some local temporary file
>> there, then feed that file to ssh and send it over to a home host,
>> where it can be piped into some simple program like md5 or 'wc -c'
>> instead of a zfs recv.
> I think I've done that, but it sort of defeats the purpose,

Does it? If you are lucky it would fail again, but this time
you'd know if it was a zfs or a network problem.

> as the stream becomes a big file on disk.

If it's an incremental stream and you have sufficient free space
available, than it's all fine and you should try that. If storage
is a problem you may try piping /dev/zero or /dev/random through
ssh to feed a remote consumer, simulating a huge stream, and hope
that it will eventually fail.

> I'd like to get some help chasing what parameter(s) need to be fixed 
> here.
> Can I get some ideas on:
> 1) what MIGHT need tweaking
> 2) would (k|d)trace help?
> 3) what else could we find out what's being told no memory?

Sorry, not deep enough into fs or network to be able to tell.

My guess it that it's a networking issue (not zfs), and not
directly related to virtual memory or swap or ARC management.

> To: freebsd-current at freebsd.org, Freebsd fs <freebsd-fs at freebsd.org>

If you'd be able to demonstrate that this is unrelated to zfs,
then the freebsd-net at freebsd.org mailing list would perhaps be
a suitable place to continue this thread.


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