[HEADSUP] No more pkg_install on HEAD by default

Garrett Wollman wollman at hergotha.csail.mit.edu
Sun Jul 14 07:06:22 UTC 2013

In article <20130714064601$3ce5 at grapevine.csail.mit.edu>,
dteske at freebsd.org writes:

>> [I wrote:]
>> It accesses the sqlite database in /var/db/pkg that was previously
>> retrieved from the remote repository.

>Now from what you explained of pkg, I'm worried that for bsdconfig:
>1. Browse packages (nothing else)
>2. Exit bsdconfig
>and now because the "pkg rquery" has staged a db, future "pkg" commands
>are now influenced.

Only if you update /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf to set a permanent
PACKAGESITE.  Otherwise, it will notice that the remote repo catalog
you have isn't for your currently selected remote repo, and use that

>> You really shouldn't know about the actual format of the tarballs;
>> your time would be better spent learning the new "pkg create", "pkg
>> register", and "pkg repo" commands.  Depending on your needs, you
>> might want to write to the libpkg API instead.

>That won't work for us.
>You're not going to like the answer, but it does mean that things like
>"pkg create", "pkg register" and "pkg repo" won't work for us.

Congratulations for building your entire workflow around a horrible
kluge straight out of 1993.  FreeBSD, however, is moving on.  (And
it's long past time!)  Your developers will just have to deal.  Or you
can maintain the old cruft for your business -- just don't expect
anyone else to use it, or even want to.


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