Fixing X220 Video The Right Way

matt sendtomatt at
Sat Aug 10 03:11:19 UTC 2013

hw.acpi.reset_video used to send this machine X220 into a reboot loop,
with flashing thinklight. Interesting that it no longer causes this
problem. I kind of paused since the trackpad sucks so much in X.

I think since ssh still works, that just the display or graphics port
is off.

It may be worth trying to do some acpi_calls via ssh to try to hack
the display back on...


On 08/09/13 08:57, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Friday, August 09, 2013 4:37:50 am Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Hm, resurrecting this thread, I'll try this on my X230 tomorrow
>> and see if it makes the (non-xorg, console only) video work on
>> resume.
>> If it does, what will it take to automatically determine that
>> this kind of work-around is needed?
> This does not affect suspend/resume.  It only fixes LCD brightness 
> handling via acpi_video(4).

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