9.0 beta2 & the new bsdinstaller

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Thu Sep 15 09:40:15 UTC 2011

Hello, Kevin.
You wrote 15 сентября 2011 г., 2:46:21:

>>> 7. On the partition editor screen the option <finish> should be the
>>> first in the list (ie; left most side) so if user accepts this config,
>>> hitting enter moves to next menu screen instead of having to tab over
>>> taking more time and effort.
>>  And again: there is no way to change block size/frag size/inode
>>  number in GUI. Only SU/SU+J/Version present in "Options" and here is
>>  no way to change options after partition creation (adding to dialog)
>>  but BEFORE real FS are created (changes are committed).
> First, I don't think you get SU+J (soft-updates and full FS journal), which is
> a bad combination. I think you get SUJ (journal of metadata) which is
> a very different and is, I believe the preferred default setup.
  `+' character could be my mistake here.

> Of course, all of these are issues that exist with the old installer,
> but I think can be improved with the move to bsdinstall.
 As far as I remember, old installer (with "black-bacgrounded"
partiiton creation screen) allows to provide additional newfs
arguments... But I've used it very long time ago for last time...

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at FreeBSD.org>

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