CVS removal from the base

Roman Kurakin rik at
Sat Dec 3 09:13:57 UTC 2011

Doug Barton wrote:
> [...]
> The fact that we have so many people who are radically change-averse, no
> matter how rational the change; is a bug, not a feature.
> This particular bug is complicated dramatically by the fact that the
> majority view seems to lean heavily towards "If I use it, it must be the
> default and/or in the base" rather than seeing ports as part of the
> overall operating SYSTEM.
You are right in general, except one small factor. We are talking about 
CVS is used by many as the one of the ways to get the sources to the freshly
installed system to recompile to the last available source. It will 
become inconvenient
to do it through the process of installing some ports for that. 
Especially if corresponding
ports would require some other ports as dependences.

> Doug

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