WITHOUT_PROFILE=yes by default

Lyndon Nerenberg lyndon at orthanc.ca
Fri Dec 2 17:07:04 UTC 2011

> Obsolete does not mean it doesn't work.

No, these days 'obsolete' seems to mean 'it does not have a sexy 
Flash-driven web GUI.'

Profiling is a simple basic tool that makes it easy to quickly find code 
execution hot-spots.  It's not dtrace, or any other plethora of tools that 
do a more extensive job of profiling.  But it's also a tool that is 
universally available to developers.  Or was ...

If you don't like it, don't use it.  But don't turn that into an excuse to 
remove the functionality from the rest of us.

If you really think profiling is truly useless in this day and age, the 
proposal should be to eradicate it from the system entirely.


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