fsid change of ZFS?

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Sun Aug 21 03:27:28 UTC 2011

On Sat, 20 Aug 2011, Rick Macklem wrote:

>> Yes, using vfs_getnewfsid() does not solve the issue.
>> I noticed that Solaris looked up a fixed array vfssw[] exactly for
>> the purpose. I think a table like it is a good solution for fixing
>> fsid for each file system.
>> -- Hiroki
> If anyone thinks using a fixed table to assign vfc_typenum for known
> file system types is a bad idea, please let us know.

Fixed table sounds like a good plan.
Is there a reason for/against using a hash table for types that are not in 
the fixed table?  The advantage would be that out-of-tree filesystems get 
a consistent typenum (modulo hash collisions), but there would be more 
overhead in maintaining the table.

-Ben Kaduk

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