CPU C-state storange on Panasonic TOUGH BOOK CF-R9

Andriy Gapon avg at icyb.net.ua
Sun Sep 12 07:39:21 UTC 2010

on 11/09/2010 21:30 Nate Lawson said the following:
>> PROCESSOR-0311 [255895] cpu_attach            : acpi_cpu3: P_BLK at 0x410/6
>> PROCESSOR-0696 [257314] cpu_cx_cst            : acpi_cpu3: C2[1] not available.
>> PROCESSOR-0730 [257314] cpu_cx_cst            : acpi_cpu3: Got C3 - 245 latency
> I think the issue is that C2 is not available for some reason and thus
> C3 can't be used either. The way to tell is to use acpidump and look for
> the CPU objects' _CST fields.

The "not available" message means that transition latency is defined too high.
That is, in this case latency is greater than 100 for C2.

Andriy Gapon

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