LOR: ufs vs bufwait

Erik Cederstrand erik at cederstrand.dk
Fri May 21 00:34:08 UTC 2010

Den 12/05/2010 kl. 22.44 skrev Jeff Roberson:
> I think Peter Holm also saw this once while we were testing SUJ and reproduced ~30 second hangs with stock sources.  At this point we need to brainstorm ideas for adding debugging instrumentation and come up with the quickest possible repro.

FWIW, I get this LOR on a ClangBSD virtual machine running the stess2 test suite.

I can reproduce the LOR reliably like this:

# cd stress2
#./run.sh lockf.cfg
 - press ctrl-C
 - another LOR is triggered by the ctrl-C (a dirhash/bufwait LOR described in kern/137852)
# ./run.sh mkdir.cfg
 - LOR is triggered immediately


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