snapshot images

Ken Smith kensmith at
Wed Feb 17 04:00:32 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 2/16/10 8:35 PM, Phil Oleson wrote:

>     I just noticed that the memstick.img is not available in the
> snapshots directories.
> I'm just curious why they are not automatically built. Were they hand
> built for the release?

They were hand built for the 8.0-RELEASE.


Why they were, and at least for now will continue to be, is mostly
related to the setup of how the iso's themselves are built.  Basically
it's a two-step process.  The first step builds everything that's needed
to generate the iso's from a set of directory trees (disc1, disc2,
disc3, bootonly, livefs, and dvd1) and stops there.  At that point the
packages directory appropriate for each of the iso images gets added to
the proper directory, and the second step gets run to build the iso's.

I decided to not add yet another directory tree named "memstick" because
for the forseeable future the memstick image will just be what's on the
DVD as far as everything but the packages is concerned, and for packages
it will just be the documentation packages and no others.  So in between
the first and second steps of the normal release build I "borrow" the
dvd1 directory tree (placing just the doc packages in it temporarily) to
generate the memstick image before putting the packages used to generate
the dvd iso image in place and running the second step of the release build.


> Is there any way it can be included with the snapshots iso's?

Yes, I'll be including memstick images with the 201002 snapshot which
are in the works now.  And I'm using this to convert what I had been
doing manually into a script that should land in src/release/scripts
some time in the not too distant future.  If what we distribute for the
memstick image isn't quite what you want you should be able to use this
script to build what you do want...

- -- 
						Ken Smith
- - From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |
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