HEADSUP: BSDL bc/dc in head [Was: svn commit: r202719 - in head: . gnu/usr.bin usr.bin usr.bin/bc usr.bin/bc/USD.doc usr.bin/dc usr.bin/dc/USD.doc]

Lucius Windschuh lwindschuh at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 4 17:52:41 UTC 2010

2010/2/4 Xin LI <delphij at gmail.com>:
> Hi, Lucius,
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:31 AM, Lucius Windschuh
> <lwindschuh at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gabor,
>> is there any chance that the BSD-licensed bc will get readline support
>> or that you add a switch in math/gnubc to re-enable readline support?
>> This i a huge enhancement if you use bc interactively.
>> I know that libreadline is GPL-licensed. But maybe, there is an alternative.
> Try this patch:
> http://pastebin.com/m3f92c202

Thanks. :-D That's what I missed.
And I didn't know about libedit. I really wondered if there was no
alternative to GNU readline (as I need a command line parser in some
other projects).


BTW: Pastebin converted the line endings to DOS format, which I find a
bit strange.

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