8.1-release + zfs v15 df(1) hangs

Marian Hettwer MH at kernel32.de
Wed Aug 18 19:07:41 UTC 2010

  Hej there,

Am 18.08.10 17:18, schrieb Andriy Gapon:
> on 18/08/2010 11:23 Marian Hettwer said the following:
>>   Hi All,
>> i installed freebsd 8.1-release on my workstation (based on the
>> 8.1-release mfsbsd isos) and I'm now experiencing some strange effects.
>> A df(1) doesn't return and is not killable and while taking a look
>> around in my process table, I could find several find's hanging around too.
>> mhettwer  5976  0.0  0.0  6896  1088  13  D+    5:55PM   0:00.00 df -h
>> mhettwer  5351  0.0  0.0  6896  1088  19  D+    1:49PM   0:00.00 df -h
> Can you run procstat -k to see where exactly the processes are stuck?
for some reason, the stuck df and find processes are gone. And since df 
works again, I could see a nfs mount which I guessed caused the issue.

Hm, so best guess, a hanging nfs mount is not good. I remember I mounted 
it without any special options. just "mount ip:/export /mnt" and 
probably forgot about it.

I'll try and reproduce that tomorrow. I would say, a hanging nfs mount 
shouldn't lead to a hanging around df(1).

all the best,

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