ports and PBIs

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk
Sun Apr 11 09:02:14 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 11/04/2010 05:59:34, Robert Noland wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-04-10 at 15:18 +0100, Bruce Simpson wrote:
>> On 04/10/10 02:31, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>> Alfred Perlstein , Matt at ix systems Kris (Mr PBI), some
>>> others and I, felt that these ideas seemed to make some sense
>>> and so I put them here for comment.
>> Please do. Someone has to do something about deployment.
>> For what it's worth, I've tripped over the garden rake on the ground, 
>> that is 'unsatisfied dependency' one too many times in commercial work.
>> If PBIs can address this, even for FreeBSD's embedded and server use 
>> cases, they will likely be well recieved.
> If I understood the PBI construct correctly... How is this really that
> different than just producing static binaries?  I mean, as I understood
> it, your bundling the binary and all of it's required libraries into a
> private directory tree and then playing linker games.

Speaking as a recent MacOS re-convert (I used to be a NeXTie a long,
long time ago...) I do like the convenience of the MacOS .dmg format,
and the idea that FooBar.app is a self-contained directory containing
not only the app binary, but all of the various other necessary bits:
supporting docco, icon images and so forth.

If the idea of PBI is to do the same thing for FreeBSD, then yay! All
for it.  But.... (and you knew there would be a but...) there's a big
difference between the MacOS X environment and FreeBSD.  In MacOS, the
windowning system (Carbon, Cocoa, all that jazz) is part of the /base/
system.   How does that translate into the PBI context?  X and (Gnome or
KDE) as super-packages that you can assume are already there?

Similarly, if you're thinking about server-side applications in the same
way -- if I want to install phpmyadmin as a PBI, does that mean I need
to have a dedicated instance of apache+mod_php for each PHP based app I
want to install?  Or should there be a common Web App environment basic
to all such packages?



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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