Various problems seen in RC1

Aristedes Maniatis ari at
Sat Sep 26 01:06:11 UTC 2009

On 23/09/09 8:59 AM, Mark Linimon wrote:
> Now, I understand more than most that filing a PR doesn't necessarily
> guarantee any kind of response, but it really becomes a self-fulfilling
> prophecy if people don't do so.  Since ~50 PRs arrive a day, and there are
> also bugs arriving on the mailing list, there's just no way to remember
> them all -- other than having them in some kind of searchable form.

But if only the bug database were easily searchable. Or it had milestones that somehow reflected what was left to be done before RC2. Or you could easily see who was assigned to what tasks and linked the closing of tasks back to svn commit numbers.

I've written before about this, so I will not go into detail. And I notice that Mark was funded by the Foundation to replace the bug tracker with something else. Was there an outcome from that work? My volunteer to help was not replied to, so I assume that others have the matter completely under control, but it would be nice to see what direction this is heading in. Most other open source projects I am associated with have much more sophisticated bug trackers which tie in tightly to the development and release processes, but for the 8 release cycle, the best we have is Robert's TODO wiki page which is usually at least a week out of date. It is interesting to note that on that page there are only a tiny number of references to PRs.

Ari Maniatis


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