8.0-RC1 Available

Johny Mattsson johny-freebsd at earthmagic.org
Tue Sep 22 03:32:23 UTC 2009

Ken Smith wrote:
> a patch set was committed by the people who handle porting ZFS to FreeBSD
> that they felt makes ZFS production-ready.

Hi there,

I only loaded up -BETA4 over the weekend, and went through the extra 
hoops to get a ZFS root (and everything else) to give that a spin. Aside 
from the already-reported lock-order-reversals on zfs unmount, I ran 
into a slight issue when using freebsd-update to go to -RC1 --- It nuked 
my ZFS-aware /boot/loader and left me stranded at the loader prompt.

Now this is quite arguably self-inflicted and now that I'm aware of it I 
can make sure I'm careful around it in the future, but is there any 
chance of having either

  a) the loader be ZFS-aware by default (especially if ZFS is now 
considered production-ready)?


  b) have freebsd-update notice that /boot/loader has changed from the 
initial install and leave it alone (and maybe whinge about it)?

Either way, good work on getting ZFS in!

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