Strange issue with Samba and csup on 8.0rc1

David Ehrmann ehrmann at
Fri Oct 30 07:18:10 UTC 2009

I finally got around to restarting my machine and trying the live CD.

First, with the current installation, I took vge0 down to make sure
everything was going through vr0.  I had the same problem, so I changed the
configuration on my openwrt box, put tcpdump on it, and watched.  Running
csup (which regularly gave me problems), I saw two sets of packets going to
the csup server, but never a reply, so each set was just four packets with
the usual TCP retry falloff.

It worked fine with the live cd on vr0.

I rebooted, but kept the CD in.  I mounted it, created some ram-backed
filesystems on /cdrom/usr/src, /cdrom/tmp, and /cdrom/var/db, chrooted into
/cdrom, and did the csup again.  It failed, again.  I diffed the csups and
the libraries csup depends on; only /lib/ /lib/
differed.  They could be bad, or they could have been updated between the
live CD being built and me updating.

I didn't have any zfs stuff mounted, yet, so it should have been off.
Here's loader.conf:


I have seen geli and padlock (Via's on-CPU cryptographic accelerator) have
issues where it decrypts wrong.  Maybe csup uses FreeBSD crypto, and that
takes advantage of padlock (but Samba, too?)

Here's how my kernel differs from GENERIC:

< # for zfs
< options KVA_PAGES=512

It's worth mentioning that my internet connection isn't quite stable, but I
was able to get other machines to csup just fine, so unless my timing was
extremely unlucky, there's something up, here.

The OS is installed on flash, so I made a few changes.  Here's my fstab:

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump
/dev/ad0s1a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/ad0s1f             /usr            ufs     rw              2       2

# var setup
/dev/ad0s1e             /var            ufs     rw              2       2
md                      /var/log        mfs     rw,-s32M
md                      /var/run        mfs     rw,-s8M
md                      /var/msgs       mfs     rw,-s8M
md      /var/spool/clientmqueue         mfs     rw,-s16M

# tmp
md                      /tmp            mfs     rw,-s128M

I have 2GB of memory, so I didn't bother with swap.  I mount /var, but then
put things that don't seem to be all that important (and change a lot) in
mds so they don't wear the flash too much.  None of them seemed *that*
important, but I'm listing every weird thing about my system.

Memtest said my memory is fine.


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