FreeBSD 8.0 - network stack crashes?

Eirik Øverby ltning at
Sun Nov 29 23:21:21 UTC 2009

On 29. nov. 2009, at 15.29, Robert Watson wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Nov 2009, Eirik Øverby wrote:
>> I just did that (-rxcsum -txcsum -tso), but the numbers still keep rising. I'll wait and see if it goes down again, then reboot with those values to see how it behaves. But right away it doesn't look too good ..
> It would be interesting to know if any of the counters in the output of netstat -s grow linearly with the allocation count in netstat -m.  Often times leaks are associated with edge cases in the stack (typically because if they are in common cases the bug is detected really quickly!) -- usually error handling, where in some error case the unwinding fails to free an mbuf that it should free.  These are notoriously hard to track down, unfortunately, but the stats output (especially where delta alloc is linear to delta stat) may inform the situation some more.

From what I can tell, all that goes up with mbuf usage is traffic/packet counts. I can't say I see anything fishy in there.

From the last few samples in
you can see the host stops receiving any packets, but does a few retransmits before the session where this script ran timed out.


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