Aristedes Maniatis ari at
Tue Nov 17 05:11:03 UTC 2009

Is it possible that this flag be set to YES in the FreeBSD 8.0 branch before final release? I don't understand if there are any downsides to doing this, but it certainly would help enormously all those following freebsd-update binary updates and trying to boot directly from ZFS.

Needless to say this request is borne from the frustration of killing a server going from RC2 to RC3 and having freebsd-update overwrite our /boot/loader file with a non-ZFS aware version.

I'm rather concerned that we'll kill it again for every release we forget about this issue. We'll look at hacking rc.shutdown to perform a test of some sort to help remind us in the short term, but even nicer is if this change could be made, or at least for the freebsd-update binary builds.



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