Annoyance with recent parallelism in rc.d

Garrett Cooper yanefbsd at
Sun Feb 15 00:28:20 PST 2009

I just updated my world to a recent snapshot (a build from last week)
and I'm noting some parallelism / backgrounding which is really
causing issues with my NIC and NFS mounts. I had to hit CTRL-D 5 times
in order to get the system to come up because it couldn't resolve my
NFS server's hostname, because the NIC wasn't up and going yet (as it
uses the DHCP client in background mode due to the new default).

Now I realize that this all ties back into the issue with the NIC
(which I've approached Pyun about, and which I appreciate his help is
solving issues with this buggy chipset), but is there really a need
for  parallelism at startup rc.d it can't properly detect dependencies
with some cases like NFS mounts?


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