My GNOME2 cannot work!

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at
Sun Nov 16 09:37:07 PST 2008

On 11/16/08, Bear <jilingshu at> wrote:
> hi,
>  I have use these commands to install GNOME to my new-installed FreeBSD 7.0:
>  pkg_add -r xorg
>  pkg_add -r gnome-session
>  pkg_add -r gnome2-lite
>  and then,I reboot my computer and use user Bear to login.
>  then I type in
>  echo "/usr/local/bin/gnome-session" > ~/.xinitrc
>  then I type in
>  startx
>  but it give me a error
>  the summary of the error is below:
>  Could not lock the file "/var/tmp/gconf-test-locking-file-CB9IKU"
>  The error was "Invalid argument"(errno = 22)
>  What Can I Do??thx!
>  BTW:I have been set my PACKAGEROOT to
>  est/
Uninstall all the packages that were installed from the above
PACKAGEROOT, then set PACKAGEROOT to either:


The packages you had installed were built for FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT,
they are not compatible with FreeBSD 7.0.

Also, make sure that /var/tmp has the permissions 1777 set:

# ls -l /var/ | grep tmp
drwxrwxrwt  12 root    wheel   1536 Nov 16 10:56 tmp


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