problems configuring wireless using iwi

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at
Mon Nov 3 08:37:15 PST 2008

Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 10:22:12AM +0000, Khusro Jaleel wrote:
> Am I supposed to download the firmware from somewhere or not?

It should be built as a kernel module.  In 7.x it is already included
to the base system, so there is no need for the port.

As written in iwi(4), include the following devices to the kernel
           device iwi
           device pci
           device wlan
           device firmware
and make sure that the iwifw module is built.  If you have no
'makeoptions MODULES_OVERRIDE="<something>"' directives in the kernel
configuration, then you should already have the module.  If not, add the
'iwifw' to the MODULES_OVERRIDE contents.  The actual module should be
in the /boot/kernel, named iwifw.ko.

Your error messages indicate that you likely have no /boot/kernel/iwifw.ko.
Of course, your actual mileage may vary.

For the custom kernels, make sure that you have some 802.11 stuff
device          wlan_wep        # 802.11 WEP support
device          wlan_ccmp       # 802.11 CCMP support
device          wlan_tkip       # 802.11 TKIP support
The actual devices depend on your needs, but it is safe to include them
all -- you can never know what encryption you'll be using.
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 )/' _/     \   `-_,   /            #  while single-stepping the kernel.
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