emerald seems to crash... and HOW-TO set up beryl

Rudy Rucker crapsh at monkeybrains.net
Mon Sep 3 22:39:00 PDT 2007

There are several things that seem to crash emerald.  I use this 
'wrapper' to launch emerald and it works great.
Specifically, "System->Preferences->Theme" crashes emerald on my 
system.  Several other things cause it to crash as well.
This wrapper will automatically restart emerald for you.



case "$1" in
                echo $$ > $PIDFILE
                /usr/local/bin/emerald ;
                sleep 4;
                logger "Restarting emerald."
                $0 start &
                if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
                        PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
                        if [ $PID -gt 10 ]; then
                                logger "Killing emerald-wrapper: $PID"
                                kill $PID 2> /dev/null
                                rm $PIDFILE
                killall emerald
                echo ""
                echo "Usage: `basename $0` { start | stop }"
                echo ""
                exit 64

Also, it took me a while to figure out how to set up beryl & emerald on my
desktop.  Here is my ~/.xinitrc:
beryl &
/usr/local/bin/emerald-wrapper start &
sleep 2

Replace gnome-session with startxfce4 or whatever it is you use  :)
Also, if emerald doesn't crash for you, then you can replace the
 /usr/local/bin/emerald-wrapper start &
line with simplily
 emerald &

You know emerald has crashed when mid flight, all your windows lose 
their frames.

- RUdy

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