Disk failure - READ_DMA

Marinos Ilias marinosi at ceid.upatras.gr
Sun Sep 2 18:52:03 PDT 2007

Hello list,

I had problem with yesterday's CURRENT and my SATA disk.IIRC , I had exactly the same problem about 3 months before.
Here are some messages I 've kept during the boot, which now fails and dives a db console.

ad10: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry left ) LBA=30175
ad10: FAILURE - READ_DMA timed out  LBA=30175
g_vfs_done():ad10s1a [READ(offset = 15417344, length =65536)] error=5
vnode_pager_getpages: I/O read error
exec /rescue/init = error 5
init: not found in path ...

These messages occur if I load the old boot loader ( load /boot/loader.old), else the new loader does not start.(BLX error)

Unfortunately I don't have any serial console to catch any more messages.

Is there any way , to boot my system again?Or I need a fresh install?


P.S: I 've tried kernel.old but nothing...

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